Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Deal

You know,  once we've become parents, we've signed up for "The Deal".

The deal that says we will do everything in our power to protect our offspring and bring them forth to a healthy, productive adulthood.

I signed up for this deal. I signed up willingly. Eagerly, even. I enjoy being a parent, and hope that my guidance will provide my children with what they need. I try really hard to do justice to the deal. I nursed them, I held them, I scolded them, I advised them.

Things seemed to be going along swimmingly. My kids arrived, composed of good raw material, and I didn't mess them up.

At least not too much.

Then this whole big monkey wrench called diabetes came into the mix.

Now just one second. I don't remember signing up for THIS deal! In THIS deal, I have to watch what my daughter eats like a hawk. She gets pretty snippy about it, too.

In THIS deal, I have to make sure that my teenager isn't falsifying records so that I won't worry about her, because "she can handle it."

In THIS deal, I have to become one of THOSE parents, who needs to make party hosts, coaches, and teachers aware of a condition that makes my gorgeous, intelligent, funny daughter less than perfect. I have to work hard not to wax dramatic by pointing out that it is life-threatening. Even though it IS life threatening.

In THIS deal, I have to let her go deal with it herself, or else she will NEVER be able to do it on her own. If I don't let her make mistakes now, how will she handle life in college? The dating world? The bakery?

In THIS deal, I have to wonder which mistakes she makes are acceptable, and which ones might kill her, and then somehow make her understand the difference, when maybe I am not entirely sure myself.

I am not fond of THIS deal. No siree, Bob.

I am not sure who in the universe thought I would be equipped for THIS deal. I would like to give that committee a piece of my mind.

Because you know what? Even if I deserve THIS deal. My daughter, most certainly does not.

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