Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow Storm

Have you ever been in a supermarket the day before a snowstorm? I mean one that's been predicted and broadcast all over town, of course.  Well, if you have, then you know that the supermarket just before a predicted blizzard is naturally crowded. People want their egg, milk, bread, and Cheetos to be available to them, even if they can't leave the house.

Managing diabetes (or any chronic illness, I imagine) adds a new dimension to these preparations. One must not only be aware of how much butter is in the refrigerator, but also how much insulin.

In fact, it's best to plan out your trips to the pharmacy at least a week before you need any of your supplies, because if it snows, and you only have two days worth of insulin, you might have a problem.

Being that we live in New England, where snowplows are common, well-oiled machines, we almost never are trapped at home for more that one day. When we lived in Maryland, however, a legitimate snow storm would paralyze transportation for days. Sometimes over a week. Walking to the store to pick up eggs would yield nothing, as the shelves would have been cleaned out.

I imagine the same might be true of insulin.

So, this winter, with all of the whacky storms in all of their whacky locations, do your due diligence and plan ahead! Keep that insulin stocked! Keep those test strips nearby! And always always have a back up plan.

Then afterward, you can enjoy the snow!

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