M has a problem with her pants (trousers for you Brits).
She likes to wear skinny jeans and pants with funky pockets on the side of the leg.
While this might not be a problem for most teens, neither of these styles is conducive to carrying an insulin pump.
But M tries anyway.
So about three times a week I hear that hissing "Ouch" that many of us use when we break our nails or stub our toes: the "ouch" that lets me know that the pump has fallen from a pocket and is now dangling from her infusion site. If I hear an accompanying "thud" then I know that the infusion set has been ripped out of her skin and is now delivering insulin to my floor.
Her clip broke, so she can't simply clip the pump to her pants. I recommended that she tuck it in her underwear, her bra, anything that might hold it securely into position.
She says it looks stupid and/or is uncomfortable.
So, instead of ordering a new clip like a normal mother, I take a look at tummietoes, which have been mentioned by multiple D-bloggers as great solutions for pump storage when exercising or going out in fancy clothes.
I mention tummietotes to M, and am immediately reminded of an episode of The Simpsons in which the whole family visits an IKEA-like store. In the episode, Marge offers to buy Lisa a new pencil holder called a Pupli (with two dots over the "u"). Lisa looks at her mother and says, "Mom! Not a Pupli! Even I make fun of the Pupli kids!"
M informs me that really only the dorky girls wear the tummietotes at D-camp.
I point out that if she wears it under her clothes, no one will even know that she is wearing it. And it is comfortable and convenient
M indicates that I just don't get it.
I look at the website again. And you know what, they do look dorky. But I don't care. They are available in black and white and other colors suitable for under the clothes. And they are supposed to be comfortable.
I make M look.
She relents.
"All right, Mom. If you want to spend your money on that, I will try it."
Now if I can just scrape up the $25.....
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