5:45 am - M wakes up
6:00 am - She comes downstairs and decides what to eat.
6:05 am - She calculates how many carbs are in the food she eats.
6:08 am- She checks her bg levels with her monitor
6:10 am - She records the results of her bg levels and her carb amounts onto a sheet of paper
6:11 am - She calculates the amount of insulin she needs to cover the carbs ( carbs divided by 10) and the amount of insulin she needs to correct her bg levels (bg minus target level divided by 21)
6:14 am - She adds the two amounts of insulin - to cover carbs and to correct bg levels - together. The result is how much insulin she will need to take this time before she eats.
6:15 am - She screws a needle onto her humalog pen and dials the amount needed to the nearest 0.5 units
6:16 am - She gives herself an injection, either in the belly, the back of the arm, or the leg.
6:17 am - She eats. Then, if I am lucky, she cleans up the debris from the procedure (bloody test strip and wrapper, needle cover, needle wrapper, needle...)
6:25 She brushes her teeth.
6:30 We leave for school.
Repeat at 9:30 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and any other time she eats.
At 8:00 pm she gets a syringe full of Lantus.
9:30 pm - She goes to bed. Usually.
M's best friend. Well, her best electronic friend anyhow.
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